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P-Card Program

Welcome to the Montclair State University Procurement Card (“P-Card”) Program. The University P-Card, issued by Bank of America, is a Visa credit card that acts as a procurement tool offering an alternative to the existing University procurement processes for small dollar purchases. It provides a highly efficient and effective method of purchasing and paying for small dollar purchases related to University business purposes (personal purchases are prohibited). The University’s P-Card Program is designed to delegate authority to quickly and conveniently purchase approved goods or commodities directly from suppliers that accept Visa. The base program limits for all cardholders are a $3,000 single transaction and a $10,000 monthly limit. The benefits of the P-Card Program are significant and include the following:

  • Simplify the acquisition of small dollar purchases
  •  Accepted by all suppliers that take Visa
  •  Ensures payment to suppliers within 48 hours
  •  Eliminates purchase order and invoice processing
  •  Combines ordering and payment into a single process

If you are interested in participating in the P-Card Program, please contact Liz Blades, the P-Card Manager, or either Lissette Bobet or Natalie Mensah, who provide backup support. Contact information is listed on the Contact Us page.

P-Card Forms & Resources

Online Training:

Available dates and times for the  P-Card, Procurement Life Cycle, and other training sessions can be found on the ITDS Training Portal



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